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Donation Page Best Practices to Inspire Your Online Fundraising

Now you know why great donation pages matter so much for nonprofits. But how do you ensure that yours is as great as it should be? Here is a list of 27 best practices to help you create one. Also, be sure to have a look at the below YouTube playlist comprising all the best practices videos specifically created by Donorbox to help nonprofits build a stunning as well as highly effective donation page for their noble missions.

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Shareability and data tracking can revolutionize your fundraising

Unlike many other forms of donating (via a phone call, mail, or at a fundraiser event), donation pages are highly shareable. This makes them ideal for increasing your reach, and therefore the number of donations.Furthermore, donation pages allow you to collect and track data that can inform your fundraising strategy (e.g. donation size, when the donation was made, who donated, how much, how they came to your website, etc.)

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